Furuhata Yakata

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The Furuhata were a branch clan of the Kiso founded by Furuhata Iekage, third son of Kiso Iemura. By the end of the medieval era Yabuhara was ruled over by Furuhata Jūzaēmon. In the Edo period it is said that his mansion became the honjin (main inn) of the Yabuhara-juku. The site of the original medieval fortified manor hall is on a sort of promontory over the plain bounded by a deep gorge in the south, however. Whereas the honjin was located beneath this terrain. It’s possible that Furuhata Jūzaēmon or his descendants relocated their main residence to beneath the elevation before the Edo period. The neighbourhood names 'Upper Hall', 'Middle Hall', and 'Lower Hall' are retained in the village to this day.

Visit Notes

I had intended to start in Yabuhara and trek the Torii Pass route to Narai. Well, formerly, I had intended to trek from Narai to Yabuhara. Both times I gave up due to poor weather. From Narai it was rain and from Yabuhara it was snow. However, I was able to in Narai visit Naraijō, and in Yabuhara visit the site of Furuhata-yakata. Unfortunately nothing remains of the Furuhata-yakata but the terrain on which the yakata (fortified manor hall) was built. The town of Yabuhara, a shukuba (old inn town), is also interesting, as it developed along the old Nakasendō (Interior Trunk Road).

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  • Site of Yakata
  • Site of Honjin of Yabuhara-juku

Castle Profile
English Name Furuhata Yakata
Japanese Name 古畑館
Founder Furuhata Iekage
Year Founded Medieval Era
Castle Type Fortified Manor
Castle Condition Ruins only
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Visitor Information
Access Yabuhara Station on the Chūō Main Line; 20 minute walk
Visitor Information Fields
Time Required 20 minutes
Location Kiso, Nagano Prefecture
Coordinates 35° 56' 22.49" N, 137° 47' 8.12" E
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Added to Jcastle 2022
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