Kagoshima Castle

From Jcastle.info



Started in 1601, it took 10 years to complete Kagoshima Castle. The layout is very simple with only the honmaru and ninomaru baileys at the foot of the mountain. The castle had only only gate with a palace and government offices, but no yagura or main keep. The simple design and few structures is likely due to a lack of funds and from a disagreement between Iehisa and his father, who was against building the castle, over how to spend limited resources. 12 generations of the Shimazu ruled over Kagoshima castle until it was decommissioned in 1873.

Visit Notes

The castle grounds contain a Kagoshima History museum today.

(ART says: Ohtemon has been reconstructed - needs picture!)


Castle Profile
English Name Kagoshima Castle
Japanese Name 鹿児島城
Alternate Names Tsurumaru-jo
Founder Shimazu Iehisa
Year Founded 1601
Castle Type Flatland
Castle Condition No main keep but other buildings
Designations Top 100 Castles, Prefectural Historic Site
Historical Period Edo Period
Features gates, bridges, water moats, stone walls
Visitor Information
Access Kagoshima Sta. (Nippo Line), 15min walk
Visitor Information Grounds are open year round
Time Required 30 mins
Website http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/ 1010/kanko/database/category/rekishi/history/ 28020.html
Location Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Coordinates 31° 35' 53.70" N, 130° 33' 15.88" E
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Added to Jcastle 2013
Admin Year Visited Viewer Contributed

(9 votes)
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Anonymous user #1

9 months ago
Score 0 You
Could you please provide an ancient silk drawing, later woodprint, modern painting, or at least an artist's sketch of how the castle looked when it was built in 1601 (or a little later)? We need this to describe it in our literary and historic writings about Japan. Thank you!

Matthew WardGunshi

14 months ago
Score 1++

This is one of those castles that I visited sort of accidentally, by going to the Kagoshima History Museum, and noticing the moat and stone walls. I liked the moat and walls, though, and am generously giving the castle a 2 based on them. The museum is definitely a 5, but obviously it has nothing to do with the castle.

Apparently, they have recently reconstructed the Otemon Gate, and pictures of it look nice... hopefully that will help justify my 2 rating!

As for the discussion about the top 100 and next 100 Japanese castles... as this site makes obvious, there are far more than 200 Japanese castles in various states of repair vs. ruin vs. reconstruction. The lists seem to be based partially on historical importance, and partially based just on politics: it seems that they are trying to give as many places as possible castles at least one highly-rated castle, though some of them really aren't much as attractions.

Anonymous user #1

37 months ago
Score 0 You

"Sometimes I'm puzzled how a castle made it to the nihon 100 meijo. This one probably for its history."

Yeah... that is 100% exactly how the list was compiled, based on its historical context. There are only about 200 castles ever built in Japan. There are two books, the first 100 and the next 100. The castles have to end up in one book or the other. There sure are not 200 or even 100 castles still standing.


138 months ago
Score 0++
IMHO, the 100 meijo thing has a lot of politics in it. It seems the point is to raise awareness of castles and increase tourism so they have at least 1 castle from every prefecture and try to get a selection of all castle types from all periods of history which is why you end up with several very early sites like the Nemuro Chashi and Ashikaga Yakata and so forth that normally wouldn't make such a list. Strictly speaking, even though I often call it the \Top 100"the meaning is more like \""100 Famous Castles\"". Chihaya Castle is one that always stumps me too. Some interesting history but there is nothing there. There is a beautiful book called 日本名城百選 which is more of a Top 100 as selected by castle fans. While you're in Japan if you can find a copy I would highly recommend it. http://www.a...p/4096815640"


138 months ago
Score 0++
Hmmm, ah yes, there isn't alot to see here. You have everything with the photos posted. The nihon 100 meijo stamp is at the information desk of the Reimeikan(=museum on the castlegrounds. At least the museum contained some interesting artifacts. Sometimes i'm puzzled how a castle made it to the nihon 100 meijo. This one probably for its history. I went also to the observatory on the Shiroyama. The view is outstanding and Sakurajima is a must see.