Kasashima Castle

From Jcastle.info



Kasashima Castle was built as a naval fortress on the island of Honjima of the Shiwaku Islands. It started as the fortified home of Takashina Yasutou. It is said that Fukuda Mataijro, a relative of the Kagawa clan, was lord of the last in the late 16th century. The castle was abandoned after it was conquered by Chosakabe Motochika.

Visit Notes

A very easy walk. Very little remains of the castle. The main reason to visit is for Kasashima Town's well-preserved historic district with buildings from the old castle town days. Profile and photos by Jcastle contributor Phibbyfan.


Castle Profile
English Name Kasashima Castle
Japanese Name 笠島城
Alternate Names Higashiyama Castle, Kasajima Castle
Founder Takashina Yasutou
Year Founded Around 1207-1211
Castle Type Hilltop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Designations Prefectural Historic Site
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Visitor Information
Access 35 min ferry from Marugame or Kojima
Visitor Information Always open/free
Time Required 15 min
Website http://www.city.marugame.lg.jp/sightseeing/history/1 1.html
Location Marugame, Kagawa Prefecture
Coordinates 34° 23' 39.80" N, 133° 47' 16.19" E
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Added to Jcastle 2014
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