Obama Castle (Mutsu)

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During the Ashikaga Shogunate Obamajō was built and controlled by the Ishibash-shi (clan), as part of Shiomatsu-han (Shiomatsu Fiefdom). In 1568, Ōuchi Yoshitsuna usurped Ishibashi Naoyoshi and took over the fiefdom. In 1584, the Ōuchi, under Ōuchi Sadatsuna, allied with Date Masamune, but the next year forsook him and joined with the Ashina-shi. This was to be their undoing. Masamune conquered the fiefdom. In 1586, Obamajō was taken without a battle because Ōuchi Sadatsuna fled to Ashina-controlled territory. At the same time Date Terumune, Masamune’s father, entered Miyamorijō, where he was then abducted by the Daimyō Hatakeyama Yoshitsugu and killed in the ensuing battle when Masamune tried to rescue him. In 1591, Gamō Ujisato, ruler of Aizuwakamatsu, took over Shiomatsu-han and installed his retainer, Gamō Chūzaemon, at Obamajō. It was under the Gamō that the stonewall which remains today was constructed. Obamajō was abandoned in 1627 after its castellan was transferred to Iyo-Matsuyamajō.

Visit Notes

I rented a bike from Nihonmatsu station and cycled to Obama village, which took about 40 minutes. Name 'Mutsu-Obama' used to distinguish it from a castle of the same name in Obama Municipality, Fukui Prefecture.


Castle Profile
English Name Obama Castle (Mutsu)
Japanese Name 陸奥小浜城
Alternate Names Obama Castle
Founder Ishibashi Clan
Year Founded 1336-1550
Castle Type Mountaintop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Features stone walls
Visitor Information
Access Nihonmatsu Sta (Tohoku main line), bus.
Visitor Information 24/7, free
Time Required 1 hour
Location Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture
Coordinates 37° 33' 51.12" N, 140° 30' 43.70" E
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Added to Jcastle 2016
Contributor ART
Admin Year Visited Viewer Contributed

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95 months ago
Score 0++
Obama Castle is one of two twin castles (built to offer mutual defence) with Miyamorijō, which is down the road.