Odano Castle

From Jcastle.info



Odano Castle is often claimed to have been built by the Odano clan, who were vassals of Hojo Ujiteru, but there is no actual historical evidence to support this. It was built as a satellite fortification of Hachioji Castle to watch over the Jinba Kaido highway. In 1590 it was taken by Uesugi Kagekatsu just before the attack on Hachioji Castle.

Visit Notes

A short and easy stop along with <a href="http://jcastle.info/castle/profile/41-Hachioji-Castle">Hachioji Castle</a> and/or <a href="http://jcastle.info/castle/profile/632-Jofukuji-Castle">Jofukuji Castle</a>. It's probably ok to visit any time of the year. The castle is designated a National Historical Landmark as part of the Hachioji Castle complex.
遺構は少ないですが、<a href="http://jp.jcastle.info/castle/profile/41-Hachioji-Castle">八王子城</a>や<a href="http://jp.jcastle.info/castle/profile/632-Jofukuji-Castle">浄福寺城</a>に登城するついでに簡単に行けます。多分どの季節でも大丈夫そうです。八王子城の一部として国指定史跡となっています。

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  • Honmaru bailey entrance
  • Tunnel under the ruins
  • Valley east of the castle
  • Trench near the entrance
  • Trench and earthworks
  • Honmaru entrance
  • Honmaru, main bailey
  • Honmaru embankment
  • Honmaru embankment
  • Honmaru, main bailey
  • Map

Castle Profile
English Name Odano Castle
Japanese Name 小田野城
Founder Odano clan
Year Founded around 1587
Castle Type Hilltop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Designations National Historic Site
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Features trenches
Visitor Information
Access Takao Station (Chuo Line), 10 min bus for Kawaharajuku Ohashi, 18 minute walk
Visitor Information Park, open any time. There is a fence along the side of the park with a gate, that should not be locked, indicating that you can go through it.
Time Required 30 mins
Location Hachioji, Tokyo
Coordinates 35° 40' 6.02" N, 139° 15' 48.20" E
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Added to Jcastle 2016
Admin Year Visited 2016
Admin Visits April 15, 2016

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89 months ago
Score 0++
After Hachiôjijô i walked to this site. The distance is about 3km, but from the Sokanji(=temple at the foot of the hill of Hachiôjijô), you did already 1km. At this temple turn left and go trough the Reien(=a cemetery). Go straight ahead until a t-junction. Follow to the right and when you arrive on the road 61 go left. You'll arrive at the tunnel whereupon the castle stands. Actually i didn’t find any signs indicating the castle so i asked passersbies and the third one could indicate me the way. So when you're in front of the tunnel, on the right side of the road are some stairs. Go up and turn left. Go straight ahead until you reach a childrens' playground. On the right on this playground you'll see an information panel of the castle. It's the only one i saw. There is a small fence in front of you and a door on the left of it should be open. Go trough that door and you are on the castle grounds. There isn't a lot to see here. I'm quite sure that the 'ishigaki' is a modern addition, because the stones are held in place with concrete. I went through another small door in the fence, which is on the left side of the tunnel(looking at the tunnel when coming from Hachiôjijô). To get there you'll have to take a very small trail and it leads you behind some housing. When you follow the street you get back to road 61. I took a bus bound for Takao station, north exit to get back. The busstop is 'Towniriguchi' and the ride costs 230¥. If it wasn't that close from Hachiôjijô, i wouldn't have bothered to visit this site.