Shirahata Castle




The Ozeki clan moved to Shirahata Castle from Ozeki Castle around 1394-1428. Ozeki Takamasu moved the stronghold from Shirahata Castle to Kurobane Castle in 1576. the Daioji Temple noted in the Kurobane Castle profile and photos was originally located along the same ridge as Shirahata Castle and was also moved to Kurobane Castle when it was established in 1576.

Visit Notes

I've seen better photos of the site so I think it may have been kept up better at one point, but during Golden Week it was nearly impassable for the weeds and bugs attacking you from every direction. If you look at the map in the photos below, I started from the left (south) side horikiri trench and worked my way through to the trench on the right side of the Ninomaru before giving up. The trenches can be seen within the weeds but there is not much else to see here. The middle of the Honmaru (main bailey) has a small shrine. I walked the roughly 4km from Kurobane Castle and caught a nearby bus (~1km away) to find my way back to the train station.

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Castle Profile
English Name Shirahata Castle
Japanese Name 白旗城
Founder Ozeki clan
Year Founded 1394-1428
Castle Type Mountaintop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Designations Local Historic Site
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Features trenches
Visitor Information
Access Nishi Nasuno Sta (Utsunomiya Line), 30 min bus
Visitor Information mountain trails, open 24/7; trails were technically closed as of May 2021 due to typhoon damage
Time Required 40 mins
Location Ohtawara, Tochigi Prefecture
Coordinates 36° 52' 16.10" N, 140° 5' 48.55" E
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Added to Jcastle 2021
Contributor Eric
Admin Year Visited 2021
Admin Visits May 9, 2021
Friends of JCastle
Jokaku Horoki - Shirahata-jo

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32 months ago
Score 0++
Jus gon put dis in Tochigi : 3