Takada Castle (Okayama)

From Jcastle.info



Located in Mimasaka Province near the borders of Bitchu, Izumo, and Aki Provinces, Takada Castle was in a prime location and prone to attack. During the Sengoku Period it was the main castle of the Miura clan. It fended off many attacks from the Amago of Izumo Province but was overtaken by the Mori Clan from Aki Province. With help from Ukita of Bizen Province, Takada Castle was able to expel the Mori Clan for a short time but was retaken by the Mori. The castle changed hands several times until the Mori were removed from office 1697 and the castle came under direct control of the Tokugawa Bakufu. In 1764, Miura Akitsugu moved from Nishio Castle in Aichi Prefecture to Takada Castle and established the new Katsuyama Domain. Akitsugu shares ancestry with the former Miura rulers. The Katsuyama Miura clan continued to rule until the Meiji Period.

Visit Notes

The Sannomaru still contains the remains of building foundations and a few wells. The trail to the Honmaru is well-taken care of. The Ninomaru is located on grounds where entry is prohibited.

  • Sannomaru Bailey
  • Looking up to the Honmaru Bailey
  • Honmaru Bailey
  • Sannomaru Well

Castle Profile
English Name Takada Castle (Okayama)
Japanese Name 高田城
Alternate Names Mimasaka Katsuyama Castle 美作勝山城
Founder Miura Takatsugu
Year Founded 14th C.
Castle Type Mountaintop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Designations Local Historic Site
Historical Period Edo Period
Visitor Information
Access Chugoku Katsuyama Station (Kishin Line), 15 min walk
Visitor Information Always open/None
Time Required 60 mins
Website http://www.okayama-kanko.jp/modules/kankouinfo/pub kihon detail.php?sel id=1097&sel data kbn=0
Location Maniwa, Okayama Prefecture
Coordinates 35° 5' 22.92" N, 133° 41' 35.27" E
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Added to Jcastle 2013
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