Takedashishugo Yakata

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TakedashishugoYakata (1).JPG


The Takedashishugo-yakata ('Manor Hall of the Takeda Clan Governors'), also known simply as Kawada-yakata, was the fortified manor hall of Takeda Nobutora (Takeda Shingen's father), before he relocated the Takeda Clan headquarters to Tsutsuijiǵasaki-yakata in 1519. The reason for the relocation is thought to have been due to Takedashishugo-yakata being flooded.

Takedashishugo-yakata is believed to have been built in the mid' to late 15th century by the grandfather of Takeda Nobutora, Takeda Nobumasa, after his defeat of Atobe Kageie at Odanijō. It's also possible that it was built later by Takeda Nobutora himself, but since Takeda Nobutora's childhood name was Kawadagorō, it is thought that he was born at the yakata (between 1494 and 1498).

Takedashishugo-yakata is probably called as such because it was during its time that Kai Province was unified under Takeda Nobutora. The yakata was fairly large, measuring at around 110m north to south and 220m east to west. In addition to earthworks, neighbourhood names Goshokuruwa ('Palace Bailey') and Gōmaya-yashiki also remain. Takedashishugo-yakata was an important step in the development of the later large-scale Tsutsuijiǵasaki-yakata used by three generations of the Takeda Clan.

Visit Notes

I was staying in Isawa-onsen so I got up early and before breakfast walked to a minor site, Takedashishugo-yakata, also called Kawada-yakata, just outside of town (across the Byōdō River). The site is now vineyards and a farmstead, but on the northern side there remains a long stretch of dorui (earthen ramparts) lined with ishigaki (stone walls). The stone block retaining wall is likely proto-modern or modern, but the dorui dates to the medieval fortified manor house. Beneath the dorui runs an irrigation ditch which is perhaps the remnant of some moat. A portion of embankment can also be found in the east around Nikū-jinja. There is a signboard with an explanation about the site to the south of the northern bulwark. An old rural residence now stands at the centre of the site.

  • Dorui

Castle Profile
English Name Takedashishugo Yakata
Japanese Name 武田氏守護館
Alternate Names 川田館・御厩屋敷
Founder Takeda Nobumasa
Year Founded c. 1465
Castle Type Fortified Manor
Castle Condition Ruins only
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Artifacts Dorui, Mizubori-ato
Features water moats, stone walls
Visitor Information
Access Isawa-Onsen Station on the Chūō Main Line; 15 minute walk
Visitor Information 24/7 free; fields
Time Required 30 minutes
Website https://atenzasports23z.blog.ss-blog.jp/2021-10-24
Location Fuefuki, Yamanashi Prefecture
Coordinates 35° 39' 18.72" N, 138° 37' 42.24" E
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Added to Jcastle 2022
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