Yuhigaoka Castle

From Jcastle.info



Given the proximity to Kozutsumi Castle and Hoshigasaki Castle this was likely an extended fortification of this network of castles. It was governed by the Mabuchi clan, an ally of the Sasaki Rokkaku at Kannonji Castle.

Visit Notes

The castle is relatively small but covers the hilltop. The main bailey area has a dorui embankment around it and the peak likely had a watchtower (yagura) itself. Just below this point is also a stone kofun in quite good shape. One source says it was used for storage when the site was a castle. I don't see that supported anywhere else but it seems to make sense. We found a good looking tatebori trench. Supposedly there are many more but it was hard to identify them through the weeds, maybe they would be more visible in the winter.

There are a few different routes into the castle. The most obvious is to find the 夕日ヶ丘登山口 signs on the North or South side of Mukaiyama (向山). There is a fence and gate that you need to open and pass through, just make sure to close it on your way back to help keep animals out. The hiking course and hilltop seem to have been developed as a part of some Lake Biwa area nature development project but it has been sadly neglected since. The lookout point (photo above!) is too heavily overgrown to see anything and the play areas for kids are dangerously dilapidated.

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  • Kofun
  • North Entrance

Castle Profile
English Name Yuhigaoka Castle
Japanese Name 夕日ヶ丘城
Alternate Names Mukaiyama-jo
Founder Mabuchi clan?
Year Founded mid 1400's
Castle Type Hilltop
Castle Condition Ruins only
Historical Period Pre Edo Period
Features trenches
Visitor Information
Access Shinohara Sta. (Tokaido Line), 25 min walk
Visitor Information mountain, open any time
Time Required 30 mins
Location Yasu, Shiga Prefecture
Coordinates 35° 5' 13.42" N, 136° 3' 47.23" E
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Added to Jcastle 2023
Contributor Eric
Admin Year Visited 2022
Admin Visits May 3, 2022

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